How to Use a Dice Analyzer

A dice analyzer is an application that lets you model dice rolls in a game. These applications can be used to calculate a variety of statistics such as damage against a target, average critical hit chance or any other statistic.

In this article, we will analyze two six-sided fair dice. We assume each side of a die has an equal chance of being rolled. Each roll is independent of the outcome of previous or succeeding rolls. These assumptions indicate that the distribution of dies will eventually converge to a standard distribution over a number of trials. The expected value is the sum of all six probabilities.

We will perform the analysis using a Python script. We will determine the expected value from a dice throw, then calculate all possible scores and compare that distribution with a normal distribution.

Dice are a great tool to stimulate creativity and imagination. There are a variety of dice, ranging from simple six sided dice to more complex polyhedral dies such as the icosahedron and tetrode. There are even story-prompt dice, like those with pictures or words to help you develop a story.

Dice are never truly decided upon until they are rolled and the result is seen, which makes calculating statistics difficult. There are ways to simplify this problem. The gDiceRoller site offers a free tool that simulates dice with any number of faces and allows you to perform arbitrary arithmetic.